Friday, September 16, 2011

Essential Romanian Phrases

Searching the web i've stumbled on this page that teaches you some basic Romanian words and phrases.

I recommend to learn the following sayings too, they might come handy:

  • rupe-i făşul - tear his foil -- when you assist to a sports event, as an encouragement for your favorite player;
  • dă-i carbid - give it carbide -- step on it!
  • trăi-ţi-ar franţuzoaica - may your French woman live long -- when you want to complement a buddy for the quality of his woman;
  • plimbă ursul că rugineşte lanţul - walk the bear 'cos the chain is rusting -- it's a nice and polite way to say to the police officer that you don't posses any illegal goods.
to be continued